Consecutive interpretation

Consecutive interpretation


Consecutive interpretation requires an interpreter to reproduce in the target language, the words of a speaker. The speech is broken up into sequences of one sentence to fifteen or even twenty minutes; the interpreter listens to the speaker speaking in the source language, memorizes the message, possibly using notes, and then translates it into the target language so that a person or an assembly understands what the speaker means.

Consecutive interpretation is applied in many communication situations such as interviews, making contacts, negotiations, etc., especially when the number of participants is not large. Compared to simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation makes it possible to convey with more precision and more fidelity the speaker's meaning, because the consecutive interpreter has better control of the situation: he can resolve ambiguities, make people repeat or do specify the meaning of the terms which pose a problem. The downside to this method is that it takes more time (usually double).

Although consecutive interpretation is often considered less difficult than simultaneous one (booth interpretation), it actually requires a lot of skill and poses significant challenges on the interpreter. The consecutive interpreter must not only have good memorization skills, but also master a variety of skills: listening, analyzing, taking notes, speaking in front of the audience.









